Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prototyping board for PIC16F84/16F628

This simple board can be used to do some prototyping, to develop and debug applications based on 16F84/16F628 PIC.

It contains all the necessary components such as crystal, capacitors, I/O, serial interface. So, there is no need to wire everything each time you want to practice PIC programming ! You can quickly test your piece of code.



This board cannot program the PIC. You should use a dedicated external programmer !



  • PIC 16F84/16F628
  • 11 I/O configurable ports d'E/S configurables (jumpers)
  • Ouput ports connected to LED
  • Input ports connected to dip-switchs
  • Serial RS232 or TTL port avec with 9 pin connector. RX/TX pins are using PA0 and PA1 PIC ports
  • Power jack to be used with an external power supply or a battery pack (4.5V battery for example)
  • Extra power connector to connect other boards
  • Removable Crystal


The attached file contains all the necessary information to make you own prototyping board.

Have fun !



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