Sunday, February 12, 2023

Colecovision 63-in-1

Original version: 28/01/2013

Update: 12/02/2023

The 63-in-1 is a multicart board for the ColecoVision.
It is made to handle 63 rom files stored in two separate UVPROMs.
The first one (IC3) should contain 32 images (32KB max).
The second one (IC5) should contain 31 images (32KB max) and the specific loader.

Running the bootloader lets you choose a rom image between 63 images, switches to the corresponding memory bank and launches the image.

Concatenate 32 image files (32KB max) to get a 1M byte file then burn it to the IC3 chip.
Concatenate 31 image files (32KB max) then the loader to get a 1M byte file then burn it to the IC5 chip.

Plug the cartridge in the dedicated slot. Components (IC3, SMD,...) MUST be in front of you !
Power-on the console.

Part list
IC1 : 74HC574
IC2 : 74HC21
IC3 : 27C080 ou 27C801
IC4 : 74HC688DW
IC5 : 27C080 ou 27C801

R1: 10K

Q1: BS170


The package containing the PCB files to build your own cartridge is available here:

The bootloader can be found 63-in1 loader.

Many thanks to my friend ZX ( for his help and his very great bootloader !

A simple application has been developed to easily create your ROM files. It is available here

Enjoy !


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