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Here is the final IRDA Joy interface.
V2.1 Updates
* Changed a few components to use 3V power supply
* Added a power switch and a status led
* Fixed a random behavior
* Removed 20ms tempo between each byte frame
* Allow USART (debug) or IRDA mode
The attached IRDAJOY-V2.1-hw.7z file contains schematics.
The attached IRDAJOY-V2.1-sw.7z contains source and hex files to program the PIC. All other details are in the README.txt file.
To use this interface with your PSP, you need specific PSP firmware and software. Go to the following link: [||fr]
Have fun !
SW PackageThis simple board can be used to do some prototyping, to develop and debug applications based on 16F84/16F628 PIC.
It contains all the necessary components such as crystal, capacitors, I/O, serial interface. So, there is no need to wire everything each time you want to practice PIC programming ! You can quickly test your piece of code.
This board cannot program the PIC. You should use a dedicated external programmer !
The attached file contains all the necessary information to make you own prototyping board.
Have fun !
The purpose of this project was to use a nice and cheap LCD display originally used in a Nokia cellphone.
This project is a small thermometer used to display 2 temperatures (in & out) every 2 seconds.
Le montage présenté ici est un petit thermomètre autonome, permettant d'une part d'afficher toutes les secondes deux températures (intérieure et extérieure) et d'autre part, de visualiser sur deux courbes distinctes, les 72 dernières températures, prises toutes les 5 minutes.
Principales caractéristiques:
Le package en pièce jointe contient le PCB (format Eagle 5.0), le typon 600dpi, les sources et projet MPlab pour le Pic.
Grant Searle is the owner of this great project.
All the details are here:
The author has made it in wrapping only. I have decided to design and to make the PCB for it.
The attached file contains all the needed files to build your own.
Have fun !
PackageThis application is used to generate random mazes.
The attached package contains the source code. The implementation uses my own graphical library (Gfx).
This C++ application is used to demonstrate how to quicly identify a cell in an hexagonal mesh.
The algorithm is only based on line equations which describe the hexagonal mesh. It is fast and simple.
The attached package contains the source code for two different graphical implementations. The first one is made with the Gtk library and the other with my own small library (Gfx).
The "Schemas" directory contains few quick draws to illustrate how it is done.
Enjoy !
This 48K Spectrum emulator is a Windows port of the emulator I've made originally for Linux with Allegro library. This time the interface is more comprehensive and has been developped with the fantastic Juce graphical library (
The source files and binary are available in the attache file.
This application can be seen as a set of functions to "emulate" Basic
routines of the TI99/4A and as a collection of original Basic games
translated in C language.
To be more precise, this application is a TI99/4A framework (main
screen, key & joystick management ...) and a set of C routines that
can be used to easily translate Basic listings to C code. So, old Basic
programs will survive without the need of using an emulator.
Today, there is no integrated Basic interpretor inside. This is in progress.
The application contains only one game : Texas City. The original game
comes from "Hebdogiciel N°61" and has been made by Didier Delansey. It
is up to you now to add more.
By default, the resolution is 256x192. The executable can be launched with the -scale option. The resolution will be 512x384.
Everything needed to use the toolkit is given in the README file.
Sources and others files are inattached file.
Enjoy !
It is here about a Spectrum emulator port that I've made for Linux/Windows, adapted to work on Nintendo DS. Some features :
This interface allows to connect a digital joystick (Atari) and/or two analogic paddles.
The information are transmitted both on IR (IRDA SIR mode) and serial (TTL).
The interface corresponds to the first release. A little more elaborated version has been made (IRDAJoy V2.1).
This interface is composed of two different boards. One generic PCB (Pic18Proto) equiped with one PIC18F452 microcontroller and one expander on which 1 joystick, or 1 or 2 paddles can be connected.
The attached file contains all the needed things to build your own IRDAJoy.
Have fun !
The routines are usable on a PC (both on Windows or Linux) and the display is connected to its parallel port.
Furthermore, the routines are usable on a PIC microcontroler (not tested).
Enjoy !
Expansion shield for Arduino UNO Version : 14/04/2023 This little board and the source code are part of a CS Bomb-like project to be us...