Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Colecovision 31-in-1

Version: Mars 2014 Rev B
Update: 07/03/2023

The 31-in-1 is a multicart board for the Colecovision (SMD).
It is made to handle 31 rom files stored in a single UVPROM.

The UVPROM (IC3) should contain 31 images (32KB max) and the specific loader.

Running the bootloader lets you choose a rom image between 31 images, switches to the corresponding memory bank and launches the image.

Concatenate 31 image files (32KB max) then the loader to get a 1M byte file then burn it to the IC3 chip.

Plug the cartridge in the dedicated slot. Components MUST be in front of you !
Power-on the console.

Part list
IC1 : 74HC574
IC2 : 74HC21
IC3 : 27C080 ou 27C801
IC4 : 74HC688DW

The package containing the PCB files (SMD) is available here: Colecovision-31in1-2023.zip

The 31-in-1 cartridge exists in DIP packages ! It is available here: Colecovision-31in1-DIP-2023.zip


The bootloader can be found here: 31-in-1 loader


Many thanks to my friend ZX (http://zx81.zx81.free.fr) for his help and his very great bootloader !

A simple application has been developed to easily create your ROM files. It is available here

Enjoy !


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