Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Connect 4 Game

This application is a graphical frontend to the "Connect 4" game, made by a very good friend (L. BUCHARD) in 1998.
The goal is to be the one who creates a line of 4 tokens.
That looks pretty simple but winning against the computer is a real challenge.

All the information and source code (Gtk/Linux based) are in attached file.

Enjoy !




UNIX Communication tool


 This simple tool is used to communicate between two dislays (X11 based), in both textual and graphical ways. It is a kind of an old fashion "chat" tool.

The application opens at the same time two windows, both on the local host and on the remote host.
Each user can type some text or draw drafts. It is updated in realtime : no need to type enter to validate your message.

Source code and information are in the attached file.

Enjoy !



IR Remote control


Here is an easy to build IR remote control.
It could be used at home to control lights, radio or more powerfull things.

This remote control is build arround an IR coded transmiter and an IR receiver powered by its own power supply.

This architecture is based on a PIC16F84 (ou 16F628). I also build another one based on a PIC12C508 (ou 12F509). These two versions are compatibles.
All the informations (PCB, schematics, source code ...) are in the file RemoteCtrlIR-V1.0.tgz (attached).

Enjoy !




Pentax K10D IR remote


Here is an easy to build IR remote dedicated to the Pentax K10D.

So, you will be able to take pictures remotely ! The focus is not managed in this version.

This remote as been developped to work with a Pentax K10D but it could work with other cases from the same manufacturer.

All the informations are in the attached file.

Enjoy !


Expansion shield for Arduino UNO

  Expansion shield for Arduino UNO Version : 14/04/2023 This little board and the source code are part of a CS Bomb-like project to be us...